Billiken is a chubby little imp with a pointy head who looks like a cross between a kewpie doll and a troll. Created by Florence Pretz at the turn of the 20th century, the character appeared to Florence in a dream and came into being as the “God of Things as They Ought to Be." Billiken is the physical embodiment of positive vibes, as evidenced by his slogans — “Grin and begin to win” and “As long as I smile at you, bad luck can’t harm you.” Billiken is always grinning, and his smile is infectious. And if you rub his belly or feet, he brings you good luck!
Billiken became a full-blown fad in early 20th century. During this period, his image was featured on postcards, in advertisements, on toys, plates, banks, etc., many of which appear in the gallery below. He was even the subject of a novelty song, The Billiken Man, in 1909, which is admittedly a little tough on modern ears but was probably all the rage in the Victorian era. If you’re curious, you can listen to a historical recording of the song here. And if that one really hits you, be sure to add Billiken Rag from 1913 to your Spotify party playlist.
Billiken was an especially popular totem in Alaska, where he was frequently carved from local ivory or bone and sold in souvenir shops as a figurine, pendant or brooch.
Modern-Day Billiken Sightings
Although Billiken no longer enjoys the same level of popularity as he did when he was an internationally beloved mascot, his impact on our world can still be detected if you look in the right spots. He is the mascot of Saint Louis University; the Royal Order of Jesters, a fraternal order of Shriners whose motto is “Mirth is King,” and the city of Osaka, Japan. In fact, Billiken is so popular in the city of Osaka that The House was compelled to journey there to visit with him. In Osaka, his form has evolved and his visage has become more infantile. The Gallery below contains images of The House’s pilgrimage to the Billiken Shrine in Osaka.
One of the best aspects of Billiken, in The House’s humble opinion, is his ability to draw good fortune. Since The House started collecting Billikens in 2020, he has brought many lovely people into The House’s orbit, and now he often reveals himself to The House in unexpected places. He is usually accompanied by some small measure of good fortune — whether it’s a new friend, a kind word, or an interesting piece of information — and that’s what it’s all about.

Vintage Billiken postcard

Vintage Billiken postcard
Vintage Billiken Postcard, House of Good Fortune Collection

Dr. Pepper Advertisement featuring Billiken

Collection of hand-carved Billikens

Cast iron and ceramic Billikens, House of Good Fortune Collection

Billiken charm, House of Good Fortune Collection

Tiny metal Billiken, House of Good Fortune Collection

Hand-carved Billiken brooch, House of Good Fortune Collection
Extraordinary Billiken Vest (from 1stDibs)

Billiken sash buckle, House of Good Fortune Collection

Stickpin with Billiken motif; House of Good Fortune Collection

Billiken Pocket Piece, House of Good Fortune Collection
Billiken Pocket Piece, Reverse
Billiken Bobblehead, House of Good Fortune Collection
Gold Billiken Charm, House of Good Fortune Collection via Fortuna Jewelry
Billiken Doll c. 1980s, House of Good Fortune Collection

Billiken Plate c. 1909; House of Good Fortune Collection

Billiken Plate Detail: "I am the God of better things. My presence always laughter brings."

Billiken Plaque with Purple Stone in Navel; House of Good Fortune Collection.