Bingo Charms
Exploring the talismans that bring good luck to gamblers who play games of chance.
The House’s grandparents would play bingo at Church every Saturday night in the 1980s (and sometimes mid-week too, if the spirit so moved them). They would return home stinking of cigarette smoke and complaining about how they “waited and waited” for one number on the jackpot…or round robin…or whatever. But the possibility of winning was secondary to the social outlet these nights out provided. With their friends from church, they could talk about the old neighborhood, their various ailments, who died recently, and whatever other gossip was on people’s minds.
Along with bingo came a series of rituals, superstitions and charms that were intended to bring good luck. Although they were (mostly) practicing Catholics, The House’s grandparents — may they rest in peace — had a collection of pantheistic and secular bingo charms (pictured, below), which included: a Fisher Price little person, buddha, a three-legged elephant, horseshoe, four leaf clover, lucky troll, a souvenir tiki that we brought her back from Hawaii (not pictured) and a weepul (not pictured).
Mamie’s collection of Bingo Charms.
Molly Snyder wrote about bingo good luck charms for On Milwaukee, and the article included a wonderful collection of photographs documenting the players’ charms. She explains, “Troll dolls and rabbits' feet are the most common luck-bringing items, but bingo players find inspiration and hopefulness in a vast variety of baubles. Some bingo buffs bring a Beanie Baby or two; others set up elaborate shrines.”
For those who prefer a commercial bingo charm, this Bingo Mojo Bag is available for purchase online, along with bingo perfume and lucky bingo oil.
Bingo Mojo Bag and Bingo Perfume from Tex Mex Curios
The House is interested in collecting other examples of bingo charms. Do you have a collection to share? If so, please contact The House and send a photograph or post your photo on Instagram with the hashtag #bingocharms and tag @house.of.good.fortune