Black Cats in Art
Even non-cat people can’t deny the grace and beauty of the feline form. The black ones, in the House’s humble opinion, are the most elegant, as evidenced by the artwork presented below. Mysterious and aloof, yet affectionate and playful — black cats are a study in contradictions.
Cat with Fish. Vestie Davis, 1964. American Folk Art Museum.
Untitled: Cat. Ted Gordon. American Folk Art Museum
Black Cat. Inagaki Tomoo. c. 1960. Art Institute of Chicago.
Black Cat in Tree. Maeda Masao. 1940. Art Institute of Chicago.
Black Cat. Vestie Davis. 1954. American Folk Art Museum.

Black Jungle Cat. Victor Joseph Gatto c. 1950s. House of Good Fortune Collection.

Black Cats. John ("Jack") Savitsky. House of Good Fortune Collection.
Seated Cat (Cat of Kazan). Possibly made in Russia, mid 18th century. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Detail of Black Cat Fever Rattle by Stephanie Brockway, House of Good Fortune Collection

Black Cat Garden Scupture, House of Good Fortune Collection.
The Uncivilised Cat by Agnes Miller Parker, 1930. Courtesy of the Fine Arts Society.
Press Club Cat, Beniamino Bufano, Museo Italo Americano
Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird, 1940, Frida Kahlo