Otafuku: A Beacon of Joy and Good Fortune

In the realm of Japanese folklore, one character stands out as a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Her name, Otafuku, meaning “Much Good Fortune,” reflects the abundance of joy she is believed to bring into people’s lives.


With her full cheeks and merry eyes, Otafuku is the epitome of contentment and good cheer. She is somewhat akin to the Western concept of “Lady Luck.”

Otafuku’s roots trace back to the Goddess of Mirth, Uzume, whose dance charmed the gods. Otafuku is also associated with longevity, her alternate name, Okame, being synonymous with the “Tortoise,” a creature revered for its long life.

Uzume: Goddess of Mirth (Alternate Title: 天宇受売命); Miyagi Chokusai (Japan, born 1877); Japan, late 19th-early 20th century; from the collection of the LACMA

In the world of Kyogen theatre, Otafuku is a beloved character, embodying the ideal of feminine beauty and kindness. Her role assures audiences of a narrative filled with humor and a reminder that joy can be found in life’s simple pleasures. As the female counterpart to the comical figure Hyottoko, she represents a harmonious blend of laughter and delight, essential elements in the cultural fabric of Japan.

Today, Otafuku’s image is a staple in festivals and celebrations, serving as a reminder that happiness is infectious. Her image encourages us to share in the simple act of smiling, challenging the conventional standards of beauty with her representation of inner beauty that shines outwardly and captivates those around her.

Embracing Otafuku’s spirit in our daily lives means recognizing the power of a smile to spread happiness and good fortune. It’s about finding joy in the ordinary, appreciating the laughter that life offers, and understanding that good fortune favors those who carry a light heart.

Let us all strive to embody Otafuku’s spirit, allowing her joyful essence to inspire us to live life with a more open and happy heart.

Kyogen mask of the Oto type or folk mask of the Otafuku type; approx. 1600-1800; from the collection of the Asian Art Museum

Otafuku Mask (Alternate Title: 阿多福面); Ōuchi Sōsui; Japan, 1926; from the collection of the LACMA

Box given as a “small gift” by The Sanko Steamship Co. Ltd.; House of Good Fortune Collection

Small mask of Otafuku on wooden board; House of Good Fortune Collection

Otafuku is the emblem of a popular food brand in Japan, particularly the famous Okonomiyaki sauce, which adds a rich, tangy flavor to a variety of dishes. Here you can see her featured on many products at the Katagiri grocery store in Manhattan.

May Otafuku's radiant smile fill your days with laughter and your heart with contentment, as her spirit of joy and generosity guides you towards a path of abundant blessings and enduring happiness.


Otafuku Mask; House of Good Fortune Collection


Three Wise Monkeys


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